DEVELOPER Jon Patch/Holger Sandmann
CD DELIVERY - Please allow 18 days for delivery
SUPPORT Vancouver+ Support Forum
FS VERSION REQUIREMENTS FS2004 running on Windows XP or Windows 2000

With Vancouver+ Part 1 brings you yet another immersive FSAddon product, that will provide you with many hours fun of flying and discovering! If you have purchased and used Misty Fjords, you will know what we mean. But…… when you thought Misty Fjords was awesome (which it is), then hold the arms of your chair after loading up Vancouver+. You’ll be stunned, astounded and awed! Of course we exaggerate; after all, we have to live off selling you this. But we am only mildly exaggerating!!

This is Part 1, bringing you the City of Vancouver, the entire landscape north and east of it for hundreds of kilometers, Pitt Meadows airfield in great detail, dozens of customized airfields and seaplane bases, hundreds of bridges, the railways, roads…. THE LOT.

(And Part 2 will bring you the much-desired Vancouver International Airport…. which will be made by Vauchez of FlightScenery in a joint venture with! Planned for Spring/early Summer 2006).

Vancouver+ has been made by Jon Patch, the author of many high quality freeware titles such as Victoria Harbor/Ogden Point, and Holger Sandmann, well-known for his many freeware landscapes and the author of Misty Fjords! They had assistance of a whole bunch of helpful people to make this THE most complete scenery title we have published yet!

The MAIN things we have wrapped in this package are:

Although Vancouver+ has its very own mesh, textures, water textures, roads and railways and the most realistic shore lines and river beds in the business, it is fully compatible with such popular titles as Ultimate Terrain. There is a separate chapter in the manual explaining what is and what is not compatible, including instructions on how to handle certain add0ons such as for instance FSGenesis mesh!

Here are some of the many, many features that you will encounter in this add-on:


  • LOD10 (38-m) mesh of the entire project area with LOD9, LOD8, and LOD7 buffer mesh files to prevent texture “tearing” (those annoying light blue slivers) in the mid to far distance.
  • LOD11 (19-m) mesh for Vancouver city area and Squamish-Whistler area, respectively.
  • Ocean and inlet water files, with shorelines; all saltwater shorelines have wave action.
  • Lake and river water files, with shorelines where meaningful; all lakes and some rivers will be flattened to avoid water creeping up slopes.
  • Water class (water colours) file with custom textures to depict differences in river colours (e.g., brownish Fraser, grayish glacial rivers, bluish others), lake colours (e.g., turquoise glacial lakes vs. dark blue others), and ocean colours (e.g., Fraser River sediment fans).
  • Land class (land use) based on the default landclass textures but optimized to represent the current distribution of urban areas, settlements, farmland, forests, forestry cut blocks, wetlands, alpine areas, etc.
  • accurate outlines of the main glaciers and ice fields.
  • road network for the coverage area based on the GeoBase road data (with Joel Gill).
  • railroad network for the coverage area based on railroad network data provided by Joel Gill.
  • power line network (utility corridors) based on topographic maps and satellite imagery.
  • ski areas (ski runs and trail network) at Grouse Mountain, Cypress Bowl, Mount Seymour, Hemlock Valley, Whistler-Blackcomb, and Mount Baker. Most include ski lodges.
  • Spray effect at the Cleveland Dam
  • Bridal Veil Falls, near Chilliwack
  • Brandywine Falls, south of Whistler


Custom Gmax buildings with photorealistic textures (photography by Nigel Grant and Emmett McRobie): Airport Square, Callisto, Provincial Law Courts, Electra, Empire Landmark Hotel, Four Bentall (TD/Canada Trust Tower), GM Place, Granville Square, Hotel Vancouver, Library Square, Marine Building, Qube, Royal Centre, Scotia Tower, Shaw Tower, Three Bentall (BMO Tower), Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver City Hall, Wall Centre, Metrotowers I and II, Metropolis at Metrotown, Telus Building, Lafarge Cement plant, SFU Quad
• 1,300+ generic buildings
• 3,000+ autogen hand-placed buildings


  • 5m airphoto photoscenery:
  • Downtown Vancouver/Stanley Park,
  • Metrotown,
  • Burnaby Mountain,
  • Tsawwassen/Roberts Bank.



  • custom Cleveland Dam
  • A smattering of MS generic objects: refineries, tank farms, buildings and structures of the Pacific National Exhibition in Exhibition Park
  • Burnaby Mountain tank farm
  • Point Atkinson lighthouse
  • 200+ marine lights
  • False Creek and Coal Harbour marinas
  • Many Antennae
  • Large greenhouses in Pitt Meadows and Surrey
  • Fuel barges in Coal Harbour


  • major bridges, custom gmax. Road surfaces from airphotos. Bridge models from Engineering drawings kindly provided by: British Columbia Ministry of Transport; TransLink Regional Transportation Authority; City of Richmond; City of Vancouver; Vancouver International Airport Authority.
  • Vancouver: Second Narrows – Ironworkers Memorial, Granville St., Cambie St., Oak St., Knight St.
  • Region: Port Mann, Alex Fraser, Mission
  • Sea Island Bridges (CYVR): Middle Arm, Dinsmore, No.2 Road, Arthur Laing, Airport Connector.
  • minor road bridges, custom gmax: approximately 110
  • rail bridges, custom gmax and FS generic models: approximately 60

Airports (corrected, new, or replacement)

  • Featured facility: CYPK – Pitt Meadows Regional Airport
  • N49* 12.9667' W122* 42.6000'
  • 40 custom buildings
  • transparent tower windows
  • three runways
  • runways and taxiways adjusted to 20 cm air photo data, accurate to within 2m
  • taxiway signs adjusted
  • custom landclass for area
  • photo scenery for terminal area
  • optional heavy traffic

AI Aircraft Models

A custom AI deHavilland Canada seaplane model is supplied, the DHC-2 Beaver. This aircraft has minimal framerate impact while adding realism and activity to the area. Twenty-three repaints represent different aircraft of Baxter Air, Harbour Air, West Coast Air, and 6 generic aircraft. Multiple models ensure that spray and wake effects are visible for all models.

An AI Bell B206L helicopter flies routes too. Flight Simulator 9 is not designed for AI helicopter use, so it flies somewhat like an airplane, with non-vertical takeoffs and landings.


Comparison Screenshots

FS Default With Vancouver+