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The only AI traffic program to give you real airlines, running to real schedules in Flight Simulator 2004 or X

Hold for the 737 on taxiway bravo!
Ultimate Traffic was one of the first “AI” upgrades to Flight Simulator and has been widely regarded as the best, with 10,000s of satisfied flight simmers around the globe.

What set’s Ultimate Traffic from any other similar program, is that it is still the only AI traffic expansion to provide realistic traffic in Flight Simulator, based on actual airline schedules!

Ultimate Traffic 2007 is a culmination of over a year of research and development, and takes advantage of the latest AI technology, in cooperation from our friends at Project AI. The goal of this project is to provide FSX users with the most complete and realistic real-world airline movements worldwide and offer new levels in AI Traffic design.

This version ships with a new schedule that is current for the Spring/Summer 2007 period, bringing bang up to date traffic for both Flight Simulator 2004 and Flight Simulator X whether running in Windows XP or Vista.

Beginners can simply jump in and compile their traffic, but for those that enjoy the hobby of AI traffic, we have many tools to help you do this. Even if we did not ship any models or liveries, you could use our tools to build an advanced traffic system based on the included real-world traffic schedule, or your own custom schedule.

Loaded with features and tools… Assign aircraft, airlines, parking, tail numbering rules, print timetables and check departure boards, or simply load and fly with more traffic than you can imagine!

400,000+ Real-Time Scheduled Flights - Ultimate Traffic will provide users over 400,000+ scheduled flights based on real airline timetables. These schedules include International, National, Regional, Commuter and even Air Cargo operators. The flight schedules touch every corner of Flight Simulator X world.

100's of Airlines Worldwide - All that traffic buzzing around the sky wouldn't be right if you did not support the airlines that fly these scheduled routes. Ultimate Traffic contains over 700 aircraft repaints of various worldwide air carriers, both big and small. The package contains over 40 aircraft model types to provide you with a wide variety of aircraft scenery that adds a unique feel that is only second to you being outside a real airport fence.

3000+ Airports with Traffic - Ultimate Traffic provides users with AI traffic for over 3,000 airports. The end result is an active airport environment, whether you are shooting approaches on 28L at San Francisco International, or flying a virtual load of food supplies to the upper reaches of Alaska.

Aircraft Assignment Tool - This tool gives you a simple point-and-click interface to allow you to manage your AI Traffic library. You can add, delete, and assign aircraft types, with full airline and call sign assignment support for all the scheduled flights. This means that you can add and assign your own library of aircraft that you have collected from the many sources of aircraft on the internet.

Status Board - This additional tool allows you to see what aircraft are currently at an airport, and it looks and functions similarly to the real arrival and departure boards you see at the airports. The board can also be used as a reference tool to create your favorite scheduled flight using the Flight Simulator X flight planner.

Online Updater/Enhancement Tool - Ultimate Traffic is the first flight simulation add-on to provide a 'one-click' updater to provide users easy access to download new aircraft, program updates, updated airline schedules, new airport files, and additional aircraft repaints.

Fully Featured Interface - Ultimate Traffic's interface contains a rivet busting, cornucopia of options that cannot be found anywhere else. The interface was made to handle the needs of both novice users and power users by providing a whole host of options and features.

Text-O-Matic (TOM) - The now "famous" utility allows users to add additional airline liveries of their own creation or those that are shared across the Internet to provide even more airlines and variety in the Ultimate Traffic environment.

Printable Timetables - Ultimate Traffic also provides users with printable airline timetables and the ability to print airport-specific timetables of the AI traffic that are included in the package. These printouts are designed to resemble the timetables that you can find at your local airport, for your favorite airline.

Community Packager - Another utility that is included is a new tool that will allow members of the flight simulator community to share their repaints and additional AFCADs directly with other Ultimate Traffic users. Flight One thanks those who support our products by providing additional repaints for other flight sim users and has included an easy tool for those who wish to share their work with others. The created packages are available for download to fellow users using the Online Updater tool.

Updated Schedule Plus New Liveries We have included included a brand new current traffic schedule that will be valid for Spring/Summer 2007. With this new schedule, we have adjusted our livery list with new repaints. With this, the total painted traffic count is higher in the FSX version compared to the FS2004 version.

System Requirements