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C-130 X-perience Extra Pack II

The 'C-130 X-perience' Extra Pack II is an add-on for the 'C-130 X-perience' Base Pack. The Base Pack is highly recommended but not required.

The 'C-130 X-perience' Extra Pack II delivers 9 new planes such as the: KEY FEATURES:

Base Pack provides the following additional features:*

* If the 'C-130 X-perience' Base Pack is not pre-installed none of the additional features are available for the Extra Pack I.

Exterior Models

The 'C-130 X-perience' Extra Pack II delivers 9 new exterior models of the following C-130 variants:

Key Features:

List of the Custom 3D Animations of the Exterior Model:

Additional features of the AC-130 'Spectre' Model:

Interior Model (VC)

If the 'C-130 X-perience' Base Pack is pre-installed all of the Base Pack Interior features are available for the 'Extra Pack II' models with no manual editing required.

Additional features of the AC-130 'Spectre' Combat Deck Interior Model (VC):

If the 'C-130 X-perience' Base Pack is not pre-installed none of the Base Pack Interior features are available for the 'Extra Pack II' models.

2D Panels

If the 'C-130 X-perience' Base Pack is pre-installed all of the Base Pack 2D Panels features are available for the 'Extra Pack I' models with no manual editing required.

If the 'C-130 X-perience' Base Pack is not pre-installed none of the Base Pack 2D Panels are available for the 'Extra Pack I' models.

MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Please note, we are unable to support technical issues appeared on systems that do not conform to the minimum system requirements.