DEVELOPER Hendrik Kupfernagel
DELIVERY Download after Purchase
FREE DEMO engineFailureDemo.exe 3.2MB
LISTEN SAMPLES Listen to flight attendant reports captain a problem.
Listen to flight attendant emergency announcement.
Listen to captain emergency announcement.
Listen to tower after successfully landing.
MANUAL manual engine failure.pdf 1.1MB
INSTALLATION Unzip & Execute

With Airliners Env - Engine Failure your flight will become even more thrilling. Engine Failure can unexpectedly fail any of 32 different parts of your airplane (including fuel leak and engine exploding) while you're inflight, requiring you to use your superior piloting skills to save the day. Some failures are minor panel
displays, but some are major events like leaking fuel tanks, sticking flaps, electrical failures, or even exploding engines. To make these failure events more exciting and realistic, Engine Failure features an emergency landing capability, this includes emergency cabin announcements, tower communication, off-runway landing validation, and more. Best of all, most of the announcements and tower communications are scored with thrilling music like in a movie! And after landing, Engine Failure permits you to call in the maintenance department to inspect your airplane and repair broken parts if found.

If you like thrills and challenges, this is the right module for you: Engine Failure can suddenly turn a normal, uneventful flight into a nightmare!

The welcome screen shows the modules you installed to extend your Airliners Env functionality.

In the Airliners Env menu select the module you want to configure.

Determinate the level of failure you want to experience.

If you want it even more challenging use the next level of engine failure.

Do you want to get surprised by a failure? Let Airliners Env know when you want to experience failures. Options are never, sometimes, often and always.

Airliners Env knows already before you take of if you will experience a failure. If you like to get warned, turn this option on and you will hear a short thrilling scary music clip (like in the movies) while take off to indicate that there will something going wrong on this flight.

If one of your panel displays fails, there might be chance to fix it by tapping on your panel.

After a failure you have the option to begin an emergency landing. With this option you inform the passenger about your plan and indicate a communication to the tower.

If Airliners Env diagnose a bigger city close to you currently location it will even offer you this city as an option for your emergency landing.

Before you initiate a landing you can dump fuel by using the
Airliners Env menu.

After landing and arriving at the gate you can can call the repair
service to inspect your aircraft.

The repair team will check each part of your aircraft which can be
failed by Airliners Env - Engine Failure.

Once a problem is detect the menu indicates this and you can hear
how the repair team is doing its work.

After landing, you might want to refuel your plane.

Disable your "Engine Failure" module any time.

Or disable all Airliners Env.