Florian Praxmarer

DISTRIBUTION REGISTRATION KEY: Immediate Download after purchase. Key will be sent within 24 hours from the developer.


About CWR

The CWR is a gauge for FS9 (MSFS2004) that visualizes you the clouds/precipitation and storms present at weather stations in front of you. There are 48 different realistic bitmaps for the different cloud types and coverage’s.

Exactly, it gives you an overview, at which point which clouds/precipitation/storms are present, as the Weather radar in real aircrafts does.

The weather areas exactly match the MSFS2004 areas so you get an exact and scalable overview of clouds.

Features of CWR

The horizontal range of the CWR covers 60NM to the front and 30NM to the left and the right of your current position.

Range rings and +-45° marker allow you easy to find out a good heading to navigate through or better around heavy storms.

You can also set a “beam direction” for the different flight phases.

For take off and climb you can set the vertical range to +3000ft, showing all clouds/precipitation/storms from your current altitude to 3000ft above you;

For level flight, you can set +/-1500ft to see all clouds/precipitation/storms around your flight level and small level changes.

For descent you can set –3000ft, showing you all clouds/precipitation/storms from your current position down to –3000ft.

CWR image is updated every 5 seconds as in real Weather Radar systems.

The CWR has three display modes:

PRECIP mode:

This is the most common and most realistic mode, that shows you the intensity of reflections of the radar beam. You get a good overview where to expect precipitation. Blue colours stand for very light precipitation up to yellow/orange and deep red areas which stand for heaviest precipitation and turbulence and icing.

STORM mode:

This additional real mode, is used for thunderstorm/lightning detection. This mode displays you the position of thunderstorms, independent of your altitude and beam settings.

CLOUD mode:

This additional more unrealistic but helpful mode, displays all the clouds visible within you beam direction. It shows you coverage and type of clouds present.

CWR Software Compatibility

Weather Radar development will continuo after release and all updates will be free. CWR is for use with FS2004 ONLY!

The Weather Radar is compatible and tested with FS9 weather themes, FS9 online weather, FsMeteo, and should be compatible to all other weather applications.

In addition CWR has due to high effective programming, no effect on the frame rates.

The CWR Package

The CWR gauge includes an installer, that installs it for the most FS9 default aircraft (Old timers are excluded). For all non glass cockpit aircrafts, it is installed as stand alone Weather Radar, for glass cockpit aircrafts it is mapped into the appropriate window.

The installer generates one more window toggle icon, that allows you an easy display and hiding.

There is also an guide included how to include the radar in custom panels. Further more there will be panel.cfg files for download, covering the most common aircrafts.

Of course, for multimonitor users, CWR is undockable , and so you can move it anywhere you want.








With the purchase of CWR you have accepted following terms:

- The author of CWR, Praxmarer Florian, is not responsible for anything, any situation, any data loss that is caused by the usage or installation of this product. The usage and installation is on your own risk.
- The user of this product is not allowed to publish, copy or distribute any file of the purchased CWR package without the permission of the author.
- Copies used for software backup are allowed without permission
- The user must not give any file of the purchased CWR package to third persons, except the panel.cfg files.
- The author, Praxmarer Florian, is allowed to disable your license, if you are suspected to distribute any file of the CWR package, to any other persons.